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Talent Board Releases Latest Candidate Experience Benchmark Research

Talent Board CandE Benchmark Research

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Employers’ top recruiting priorities for 2023 include onboarding, the candidate experience, and diversity/inclusion, according to new research from Talent Board, which also reveals a global rise in candidate resentment.

SAN FRANCISCO — Talent Board, a non-profit organization dedicated to elevating and researching quality candidate experiences, today released its 2022 North American Candidate Experience Benchmark Research Report. The report shares confidential and anonymous feedback from more than 150 companies and nearly 200,000 candidates around the world who participated in Talent Board’s research program (also known as The CandEs), which delves into every aspect of the recruiting and candidate experiences, from pre-application to onboarding.

Among the key findings from this research are:

The largest and longest running study of its kind, Talent Board’s annual benchmark research has evaluated responses from more than 1,350 employers and 1.4 million job seekers since its launch in 2011. Each year, the research covers the main constituents of positive and fair candidate experiences, how well employers are delivering these experiences, and specifically what CandE Award winners (companies with the highest-rated candidate experiences) are doing better than other employers to deliver positive experiences.

“Although candidate resentment lessened during and immediately following the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s higher than ever globally,” said Kevin W. Grossman, Talent Board president. “Employers need to keep in mind that resentment has major repercussions to their brands and the bottom lines such as whether or not candidates will apply to their jobs again, whether they’ll refer colleagues and friends, whether they’ll be brand advocates, and whether they’ll buy a company’s products and services. Even in North America, where resentment levels fell slightly in 2022, they’re still high.”

“The fact that onboarding is the number one priority for TA teams in the coming year is very telling,” added Ron Machamer, Talent Board director of global programs. “Too many employers lost new hires in 2022 before they even started or shortly after day one, that’s how competitive the talent market has gotten and that’s how important it is to get onboarding right. Even our CandE Award winners wrestled with pre-boarding through onboarding this past year. It’s no wonder TA teams plan to put extra emphasis on this phase of the process in 2023.”

Other CandE Report Takeaways
A few other key takeaways from the new 2022 CandE report include:

The comprehensive 2022 Talent Board North American Benchmark Research Report can be downloaded in its entirety today here.

Talent Board will make the new EMEA, APAC, and Latin American research briefs available before the end of January.

For organizations interested in joining next year’s candidate experience benchmark research program, the 2023 program is now open and companies can learn more about participation here.

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