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You know sometimes feedback can be uncomfortable, right? And for some reason, the moment you mix feedback with workplace hierarchy, things get even more awkward. Picture this: you’re supposed to give feedback to the person who signs off on your performance reviews, promotions, and raises.
Sounds like a fun conversation, right? Yet, something interesting is happening in the modern workplace. Top companies are flipping the script, encouraging employees to provide direct feedback to their managers. Wait, what? Why would any manager sign up for this?
Spoiler alert: it’s a game-changer for businesses. In fact, it’s become a revolution. Curious to know why? Let’s dive into how and why companies are giving employees the green light to grade their bosses—and what this shift means for the future of work.
A Brief History: Why Feedback Was Always Top-Down
Traditionally, feedback in the workplace has been, shall we say, a bit of a one-way street. Managers give feedback to employees—full stop. Performance reviews focus on the person in the subordinate role, while managers, seemingly immune to scrutiny, float above the fray.
Why was it like this? Well, part of it is rooted in corporate culture. For decades, leadership was synonymous with authority,