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From Feedback to Feedforward: How The Performance Self-Assessment Revolution is Rapidly Gaining Momentum

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Okay, let’s talk about this: traditional performance reviews have always been a bit of a drag, haven’t they? You sit down with your manager, anxiously waiting for feedback that feels either sugarcoated or way too harsh.

You nod along, smile, say you’ll “work on that,” and then… what? Nothing changes. It’s no wonder that employees and even managers are increasingly fed up with this outdated process. But, in true 21st-century style, something new is shaking up the workplace: The Self-Assessment Revolution.

Performance self-assessments are gaining serious momentum, and not just because they make us all feel warm and fuzzy inside. When done right, they’re transforming how we evaluate performance by focusing not just on the past (hello, “feedback”) but also on what’s next (enter “feedforward”). With the growing number of self-assessment examples in modern workplaces, it’s clear this shift is here to stay.

So, why exactly are self-assessments on the rise, and how are they changing the game? Buckle up, because we’re diving deep into the benefits, practical applications, and even some juicy real-life case studies.

The Problem with Traditional Performance Reviews

Let’s break it down. Traditional performance reviews generally happen once, maybe twice a year, and they’re typically

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