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How to Push Through Hard Times in Staffing (Lessons from a 5-Time Ironman)

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This article is based on a conversation between Brad Bialy and Will Matthewson the Take the Stage podcast, presented by Haley Marketing. 

In staffing, as in life, not every day is going to be a smooth ride. Sometimes, the challenges pile up, the sales calls go unanswered, and the candidates you’ve been nurturing for weeks back out at the last minute. But as Will Matthews, a five-time Ironman competitor and seasoned executive coach, explains in a recent episode of Take the Stage, it’s these tough times—the ones where everything seems to go wrong—that shape who we are and define our success.

What It Means to “Embrace the Suck”

The phrase “Embrace the suck” comes from military slang, referring to those difficult, uncomfortable situations where the only way out is to dig in, push through, and persevere. It’s a mindset of accepting that hardships will come, but rather than avoiding them or feeling defeated, you meet them head-on. Will explains how this mentality has guided him through grueling Ironman competitions and how it applies just as well in the business world.

“Sometimes in life, we’re in those moments where things are muddy, rainy, and uncomfortable. You’re wondering, what am I doing here?” Will shares. “But it’s in those moments that you have a choice. You can either fold or reach in and find new strength. The only thing we control is our mindset—how we show up.”

For staffing professionals, “embracing the suck” is crucial. Whether you’re facing a difficult client, struggling to meet sales targets, or navigating industry-wide challenges like finding new job orders or top talent, you have to find a way to persevere. It’s easy to stay positive when things are going well, but real growth happens when you push through the tough times.

The Reality of Hard Times in Staffing

Let’s face it: staffing can be tough. The industry is competitive, the market is volatile, and success often feels like it’s just out of reach. But the reality is that no staffing professional—no matter how seasoned—can avoid hard times. What sets top performers apart is their ability to power through those challenges.

“There will be times in the staffing industry when things don’t go your way,” says Will. “You might have the biggest client meeting of the year, but you’re running on empty—physically, mentally, and emotionally. You’re drained, but the bottom line is, you still have to deliver results.”

There are days when the pressure is on, and you don’t feel prepared. Maybe it’s the day when a client is expecting a major presentation, but you’re swamped with other responsibilities, or perhaps you’re feeling burnt out from constant candidate searches and rejections. These moments test your resilience.

As I said on this week’s episode of Take the Stage (Embracing the Anything is Possible Mindset), “We all have those days where self-doubt creeps in, where we start to question if we can handle everything on our plate. But it’s about finding ways to push through and deliver, even when it feels overwhelming.”

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Tips for Overcoming the Tough Days

Focus on What You Can Control

One of the key insights from Will’s coaching philosophy is that we can only control two things: our mindset and our actions. “There’s so much out of our control in the world—especially in staffing—but we always have control over our mindset and how we show up,” Will explains. “If you’re struggling with a tough day, take a moment to refocus. What can you control today? What small wins can you achieve?”In staffing, this could mean focusing on the tasks at hand—sending that follow-up email, making one more client call, or refining a pitch for a new lead. By concentrating on the actions within your control, you can begin to regain momentum, even in difficult situations.

Reset and Recharge

When the pressure is high, it’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of frustration. But Will reminds us that sometimes, the best way to move forward is to take a break. “If things aren’t going your way, sometimes you need to hit the reset button. Go for a walk, grab a coffee, or do 20 jumping jacks—anything that helps clear your mind and get your energy back.” As I said on the show, “If I’m in a slump or a big project isn’t working, I’ll leave my desk, go to the gym, or change up my environment. That reset can make all the difference. You come back fresh, with a clearer perspective.”

Remember Past Wins

When things get tough, our minds often default to negativity. We remember the deals we lost, the calls that didn’t go well, and the mistakes we made. But Will encourages professionals to reverse this mindset by focusing on past successes.“We have a negativity bias that can take over, but you also have the ability—and responsibility—to remember the times you crushed it. Think about the big deals you’ve closed, the successful placements, and the wins you’ve had,” Will advises. “Flood your mind with those memories to remind yourself that you’ve been through tough times before, and you came out stronger.”

Break Through the Mental Clutter

One of the biggest challenges on difficult days is breaking through the mental clutter—those doubts, fears, and distractions that keep you from performing at your best. Will emphasizes the importance of shifting your focus: “It’s a tug-of-war between self-doubt and self-confidence. The more you focus on the negative, the more it expands. Instead, focus on your strengths and what you’ve already achieved.”In staffing, this might mean quieting the noise of constant rejections or client demands and zeroing in on what’s working. Have a big meeting but feeling anxious? Reflect on a similar situation where you succeeded and remind yourself that you can handle the pressure.

Staffing Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Will’s Ironman experiences serve as a powerful metaphor for the staffing industry. An Ironman race is grueling, and just like in staffing, there are moments where competitors question why they signed up in the first place. But as Will explains, the key is to embrace the journey—the good, the bad, and everything in between.

“In an Ironman, there are moments when you feel strong, and there are moments where you hit a wall. In staffing, it’s the same,” says Will. “You’re going to have highs and lows, but the important thing is to stay consistent, keep moving forward, and remember that tough times are part of the process.”

I echoed this sentiment: “In staffing, what sets apart the firms that succeed from those that struggle is their ability to execute, day in and day out, even when things are tough. The ones that push through are the ones that come out stronger.”

Power Through and Thrive

In staffing, there will always be days that feel like an uphill battle. But as Will Matthews reminds us, it’s in these moments—when everything feels difficult—that we grow the most. By embracing the challenges, focusing on what we can control, and taking action, we not only survive the tough days but come out on the other side stronger and more resilient.

So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember Will’s advice: embrace the suck, dig in, and keep moving forward. Success is on the other side of the struggle.

About Take the Stage

On Take the Stage, presented by Haley Marketing, we bring you the BEST speakers, coaches, trainers, and strategic partners from across the staffing and recruiting industry every other week. More than your standard interview, each conversation is built off of a specific session or topic these industry thought leaders bring to conferences and audiences around the country. Learn from industry experts like Tom Erb, Tricia Tamkin, John Ruffini, and many more by subscribing to “Secrets of Staffing Success” on your preferred podcast player.

The post How to Push Through Hard Times in Staffing (Lessons from a 5-Time Ironman) appeared first on Haley Marketing Group.

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