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Organizational Politics: What It Is, Types, and More!

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So it’s Monday morning, and you’re due to give a big presentation in front of your entire team, something you’ve been working on the entire weekend. As you step into the office, you see that your colleague has already been chewing your boss’ ears off about his significant role in the project and presentation.

So, what’s really going on here? This is organizational politics. It’s not just about who brews the best coffee or has the snazziest ties. It’s the complex interplay of influence, interests, and power within an organization.

While we have painted this in a negative light, it’s worth noting that organizational politics isn’t always evil and does contribute reasonably well to the organization’s long-term goals and objectives.

It is undeniably murky, but use it well, and you can add tremendous value to your company, as well as your career, cross certain lines, and you have a major career faux pas just waiting to happen. Let us dive in to get a better picture.

Navigating the Landscape: Different Types of Organizational Politics

Politics in the workplace takes many forms, shapes, and sizes, making it essential to develop a thorough understanding of its workings when crafting the systems, processes,

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