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Roundup: Cautionary AI Tales You May Not Hear

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A small and relatively quiet group of technology and finance analysts and experts isn’t convinced AI is going to revolutionize the way business is done. Their reasons aren’t about technology so much as economics. They believe the buzz we hear today is supported more by best-case scenarios and overly optimistic forecasts than hard data, and they’re raising flags to say, in effect, everyone should slow down.

The developers of AI have momentum on their side right now, and they’re using it to brush off critiques of their products’ behavior and refocus the discussion on the features added to their software’s new and improved versions. If they don’t encourage talk of AI’s impending state of consciousness, they don’t go out of their way to discourage it. They paint a picture of the more efficient, more productive world AI will bring us, without looking too closely at the transformation’s consequences to jobs, standards of living and infrastructure requirements.  

The media doesn’t help. Much, if not most, of the coverage we see has a breathless, cheerleader-style tone to it. The New York Times reports

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