How to Demo Your HR Technology

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At the recent RecFest conference in Nashville, one TA leader talked to the crowd about how they like to be pitched during a demo.

Firstly they like it when you don’t “interview” them for the first 15 min of the call. These are busy execs so just ask a couple of qualifiers and get on with your demo. Brevity is your friend.

Try to customize the demo as much as possible. Here’s a direct quote from the head of TA at a large company;

Such as maybe taking a job description off our site, something you built it into your product, and you get on the call, and you literally show us the demo of, “Here, I’ve taken this job. I’m going to walk you through this candidate, what this candidate experience could look like,” whatever it may look like for your product. But use our actual job, use our brand, show us what this looks like. Granted, we’re going to have our own ideas along the way, but if we can visualize this in production, then that’s huge.

And the other thing is just open up. Sit down with us in a room and say, “I’ve got the product open. Ask me anything.” And we could give you a scenario to say, “What if I wanted this to happen?” And for you to be able to just demo things on the fly to show how easy that is, how frictionless it is, it illustrates to us, when it comes time to the implementation or recruiter training or manager training, “Oh man, that looked really easy. I could see us using this tool and implementing it and scaling it with… well, some ease,” right?

We always know there’s going to be roadblocks. But just the ability for you to show us what this can look like and for you to actually show us, “Here’s what it looks like in practice. I’m going to do it right here in front of you, for you,” is a really powerful thing. So I know when we’re looking at technology or vendors, the ones that can illustrate that with confidence, shows us that you’re willing to work and scale at our level.


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