Only 25% of human resources (HR) professionals reveal their HR department plays a key role in workforce transformation. This statistic is troubling considering new research showing that HR’s involvement is among the five keys to successful workforce change.’s Research Institute conducted the global study, People Power: A Catalyst for Transformation Global Workforce Transformation Trends Study 2019, in partnership with Lee Hecht Harrison, a leading provider of talent development and career transition services. The survey of 1,228 HR professionals worldwide in virtually every industry vertical from over twenty countries collected data on how companies are transforming their workforces.
The research analysis focuses on five catalysts for successful organizational transformation that leverage “people power” to drive that success. HR can play a key role by leveraging their workforce’s strengths and guiding them through preparation and implementation. The five keys to success are:
involve HR in the process, putting them in the driver’s seat if they’re ready, develop an honest evaluation of success, make sure leaders have the necessary skills and then let them lead, emphasize career development and do it well, and focus on culture, because if the culture isn’t ready, nothing else will happen.
The study looks at comparisons between