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Where does the time go?

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I could feel my hands gripping the steering wheel more tightly with each passing minute. What should have been a 45-minute commute was already approaching 90 minutes with no relief in sight. I couldn’t help but ponder all the better ways I could be spending my precious time and energy.

Traffic can be frustrating, but poor meetings may be even worse.

In an era of collaborative work, meetings have become the way things get done in many organizations. For all the time we spend in meetings, you’d think we would’ve mastered them by now. Whenever you find yourself in a meeting that’s about as enjoyable and productive as an extra half-hour caught in traffic, it’s time to act.

I invite you to review your calendar and rate your meetings. I created a handy worksheet to help you do just that. Choose an important set of recurring or upcoming meetings, and be honest in your evaluations. The worksheet will help you rate your relative enjoyment and the overall impact of these meetings. You’ll even have a chance to plot them on an Aha!-inducing grid.

Never one to miss an improvement opportunity, I’ve provided a few simple tips that may help you

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