How to successfully pivot your career | Interview with General Assembly graduate, Billy Boman

As part of this year’s National Careers Week, we’ve partnered up with pioneering tech education provider General Assembly to hear from one of their graduates on how he successfully pivoted his career. Billy Boman recently graduated from General Assembly’s immersive User Experience Design course and he tells us how he made the switch from fashion […]
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Interview with Sam Palmer, PeoplePerHour Academy Graduate

How do you become a successful graphic designer? We caught up with PeoplePerHour Academy graduate, Sam to discuss everything from the future of graphic design to why there’s nothing better than a bowl of pasta. If I had to explain what I do to a 5 year-old, I’d say… I tell my daughter that I […]
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Interview with Graham Bancroft, UI Architect

Have you ever wondered “what does a UI Architect do?” We interviewed our in-house wizard, Graham on 20 years of working in the industry. If I had to explain what I do to a 5 year-old, I’d say.. I take the designs from a designer and turn them into web pages or apps that you […]
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Freelancer success stories – Craig Brett

In our last blog, we talked extensively about side hustles. Side hustles are a great way to make extra cash in addition to your full-time gig and sometimes they can evolve into a new, standalone career. This is exactly what happened to Craig Brett- a freelance writer on our platform. We caught up with Craig […]
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The rise of the side hustle

Last year, Twitter reported a 231% rise in the number of mentions of ‘side hustle’ on its platform. Henley Business School estimates that side hustles generate £72 billion for the UK economy. Roughly one quarter of Brits have a side hustle, which actually pales in comparison to America where over 45% of US workers have […]
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Most wanted 2020 freelance skills – our predictions

To celebrate the dawn of a new decade, we’ve been looking back over the past year to predict what will be the most wanted freelance skills in 2020. Are you hoping to gain more freelance jobs this year? Check whether your skills are in demand by reading this blog post. Based on our own data […]
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Product update: new checkout feature

At PeoplePerHour, we routinely make platform enhancements as we believe that upgrading and improving our processes will provide more value to both our buyers and freelancers, allowing them to live their work dream! We are in the process of updating our checkout process for a safer and better experience so that our users will be […]
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Product update: new checkout feature

At PeoplePerHour, we routinely make platform enhancements as we believe that upgrading and improving our processes will provide more value to both our buyers and freelancers, allowing them to live their work dream! We are in the process of updating our checkout process for a safer and better experience so that our users will be […]
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Meet our PeoplePerHour Academy mentors

According to research conducted by the WorkingMums 2018 Annual Survey, 25% of Mums work full-time with no flexibility, while 56% worry that their flexible working will be taken away. Juggling work and parenthood is not exactly a piece of cake, but we think going freelance can solve some of the associated challenges. After all, freelancing […]
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Meet our PeoplePerHour Academy mentors

According to research conducted by the WorkingMums 2018 Annual Survey, 25% of Mums work full-time with no flexibility, while 56% worry that their flexible working will be taken away. Juggling work and parenthood is not exactly a piece of cake, but we think going freelance can solve some of the associated challenges. After all, freelancing […]
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Introducing our new and reduced fees

  Reader, we’ve got some exciting news!   We are extremely proud of our community and want to offer you the best value for money possible. So for the last few months, we have been working behind the scenes and gathering feedback to find out what matters the most to you. After careful consideration and […]
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