Product Update: Passive Candidate Sourcing in Rival Recruit

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The Game-Changing Feature: Search and Passive Candidate Sourcing

In the world of recruitment, finding the right candidate often means looking beyond those actively seeking new opportunities. With Recruit 2024.21, we are making this process easier and more efficient than ever. Our newest feature allows recruiters source from a vast database of nearly 700 million passive candidates without ever leaving the Rival Recruit platform and continue to narrow down the search and filter it based on your specific needs. Recruiters can even generate talent insights as well as conduct unbiased hiring.

One of the most critical aspects of modern recruitment is ensuring a fair and unbiased hiring process. Our Unbiased Sourcing Mode is designed to mitigate unconscious bias and foster a more inclusive recruitment process. To help reduce bias, certain personal details (e.g., names, photos, and other potentially bias-inducing information) can be anonymized during the initial screening process. This ensures that candidates are evaluated based on their skills and experience rather than demographic characteristics. Our platform can also mask information that could lead to bias, such as the names of educational institutions and specific job titles, allowing for a focus on the candidate’s abilities and achievements.

This isn’t just an enhancement—it’s

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